Mentoring and private appointments
$295 per hour:
With judgement free guidance, honest reflection, unconditional acceptance you can find your way back to the truth of your magnificence. In person or over the telephone.
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Remedial Angel Training |
Gratitude Weekend
Mini Teotihuacan
Exploring the Heart of the Deep Feminine
Living From the Heart
Journey to Teotihuacan, Mexico
$1195 plus airfare to Mexico City
by check or PayPal:
Personal Retreats
Three nights or more $115 daily rate. Two nights $135 per nite. One night $150.
Guided Reflections
Five days- $2995
Weekend- $1595
Join Gini for a dynamic inner journey to the heart of the authentic self.
$5995.00 - three days
An in-depth one-on-one intensive to identify and remove the obstacles and patterning blocking awakening. Must have great desire and willingness.